Thursday, October 16, 2008

Apples and Ovaries

I had parent/teacher conferences this week. Zach and Brad's teacher shared the following anecdote:

Another teacher came in to read a story to their class. About half way through the book about apples, Zach's hand shot up. His face was serious and anxious, like he just remembered something he was trying to recall,

"I know what they are called! Ovaries!"

The two teachers were caught off guard and stared at each other, then busted up laughing. Indeed, at some point in the production of an apple, the pod is called an ovary. Only Zach would know that.

Early on, Brad and Zach have loved learning detailed facts and Steve and I made a very conscious decision to omit several female facts for fear of a Kindergarten Cop type discussion with their peers. Oh, what a righteous decision that was! I can just hear Zach continuing, "Apple ovaries are not the same as girl ovaries because..."

Apple ovaries is really as close as I want to get to sex ed in the 1st grade classroom-- taught by my 1st grader.

1 comment: said...

Dear Lauren and All!!
It was so fun to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY on the phone a few minutes ago!! We wish we could be with you to celebrate, but just know we love you lots and are so glad you are our granddaughter!! You make us very happy!! We hope you will have lots of fun being 5 years old! You are a great example in our family, and we know you are helping Abigail to grow up just like you!! Take good care of her! She needs you and depends on you to show her how to be a good girl and a special sister. We know Brad and Zach are watching you also, and whenever we are at your house, we notice how kind and good they are to you and Abigail. How lucky you are to have two brothers like them!! We love you all.