Friday, October 31, 2008

Holy Heroes Batman!

For the past six years I have given way too much energy to costume searching. Even worse, I spend a great deal of time manipulating my children into being who I want them to be. Lauren and I watched many Youtube clips of Wonder Woman and her Lasso of Truth. "Look how cool her crown is. It is like a boomerang! Wow! She can change clothes super fast! Boy, you will be an awesome Wonder Woman!" "Zach, you don't want to be Ben Ten. Several of your friends are going to be Ben Ten. There really should only be one Ben Ten. And look, Superman has muscles!"

I'm really into themes. This year, Superheroes. Last year, Classic Halloween: witches, dracula, and a bat. 2006, Peter Pan. 2005, A Toy Story. 2004, Cave girl with dinosaurs. I think this is the last year of the themes. The boys refuse to be Wizard of Oz characters and I don't want them to need therapy later in life because of their controlling mother.

We had some friends over for our Mystery Dinner and then went Trick or Treating around the neighborhood.

All that and Lauren wouldn't wear her wrist bands and boots, and Abby's cape went missing for the photo. Shocker!
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Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Pumpkin Patch

I got to go to the Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound twice this year. Once with Abigail and her little boyfriends Asher and Gabe, and then back with the whole family. Second trip both camera batteries were dead. Don't you LOVE this picture of my sweet thing Abby?
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Friday, October 17, 2008


My lovely Miss Lauren is 5-years-old! She wanted a Unicorn Flying Pony party and invited her fairy friends to celebrate with her. The fairies made jewelry, searched for the flying unicorn and ate unicorn horn cupcakes in our backyard.

Her favorite gifts were from her grandparents: tap shoes and a stuffed flying unicorn. Doesn't that sound like Lauren?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Apples and Ovaries

I had parent/teacher conferences this week. Zach and Brad's teacher shared the following anecdote:

Another teacher came in to read a story to their class. About half way through the book about apples, Zach's hand shot up. His face was serious and anxious, like he just remembered something he was trying to recall,

"I know what they are called! Ovaries!"

The two teachers were caught off guard and stared at each other, then busted up laughing. Indeed, at some point in the production of an apple, the pod is called an ovary. Only Zach would know that.

Early on, Brad and Zach have loved learning detailed facts and Steve and I made a very conscious decision to omit several female facts for fear of a Kindergarten Cop type discussion with their peers. Oh, what a righteous decision that was! I can just hear Zach continuing, "Apple ovaries are not the same as girl ovaries because..."

Apple ovaries is really as close as I want to get to sex ed in the 1st grade classroom-- taught by my 1st grader.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Shake Your Booty Y'all!

Could it be that after 6 years and 10 months of constant diapering (sometimes three little bums at the same time), that we may get a break? I don't want to get my hopes up but Abigail started potty training today. She caught on after just one drop in the potty. I didn't have to remind her to go potty. She would just call out, "I going pee pee" and would already be on the potty when I got to her. She even did a #2. Yep, that's right. Genius. I think I should clone her.

Of course, she only stays dry when she is naked... which could cause a problem when we go anywhere with a dress code. And she will only go on the potty chair. She screams when I suggest the humongous big people potty with the beautifully squishy Dora seat. I enjoy the Dora seat so I can't figure out why she wouldn't love it.

I rewarded Abby with M&Ms each time she went but her favorite reward was the Potty Dance with Mommy. She likes to boogie to sassy country music and shakes her naked behind. Quite the cute picture.

Those are band-aids on her arm: Scooby Doo and Fairies (our first-aid kit is now empty).

Tomorrow is another day and hopefully once again diaper free. Do you think it is ok to bring the potty chair to church?
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