Thursday, July 23, 2009

Road Trip!

So, once again, I thought it would be a great idea to drive to Utah from Dallas. My mom flew out to help out and keep us company. This time we drove to Albuqueque and then up to Arches. New Mexico really was more beautiful than I had remembered- which was nice. But there was a lot of construction and slowing down in little towns. We thought we were savvy with our new GPS. We dialed up a few hotels as we approached Farmington, NM (who would imagine that most of the town didn't have vacancy) and put money down on an America's Value Hotel. When we arrived at the hotel three hours later we realized our mistake- the pool was unswimmable and the shower either scalded you or trickled freezing water. At least the beds were clean.

We had two DVD set-ups in the car because, of course, the boys don't want to watch Barbie Pegasus or Mermaidia- to which I am grateful. Two set-ups also meant headphone jacks for everyone! Mom and I enjoyed a blissful hour and a half as the children watched their movies BUT unfortunately, one of the DVD players died! The girls played with their Polly Pockets and magnetic paperdolls. The boys read and drew pictures.

We stopped at Arches. The kids made up names for the different rock formations they saw. The one above, although not in Arches, was a favorite entitled "Cupcake Rock".
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