Monday, September 22, 2008

I WON! Now Show Me the Money!

Did you know that the Baltimore airport is infested with mice? At midnight they seem to patrol the gateways with a feverish delight. I know because last week I had the privilege of going to that fine city to contest a parking ticket; actually two. Steve got two tickets one weekend in 2003. Yes, I said 2003. We paid the $46 and went on with our lives. Then 4 years later, Baltimore sent a collection agency after us saying that we didn't pay and now owed them over $1500!!!!!

If you have spoken to me in the past year, you have heard about this thorn in my side. I have spent way too many hours on hold waiting for idiots who pretend they can help me. After a year of fighting with these morons, I finally got a trial.

I approached the judge with a thick folder of receipts, cancelled checks, and names. The judge didn't even ask me anything. He looked at his papers and said, "This is ridiculous. Not-guilty."

But I couldn't let Baltimore off that easily after the psychotic roller coaster they locked me on. I said,"Don't you want to hear just how 'ridiculous' this has actually been? You will gasp."

The judge said that because I flew from Dallas for a parking ticket defense, I could take all the time I wanted. I felt like I was tatteling on a bully and it gave me a bit of satisfaction.

The lessons learned here are for everyone:
1. Get a receipt of payment with any ticket you receive.
2. Check that against your bank statement to see that they cashed the check.
3. Always request that the officer be present at the trial.
4. Never sleep on the floor of any airport anywhere.
5. Night cleaning crews at airports like to sleep across the seats and watch TV. No wonder there are mice...
6. Never visit Baltimore- ever.
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Mary said...

Horray! It made my day to hear that you didn't give up and you didn't have to pay those criminal fines!

Ashley said...

Oh Emily, you make me laugh! I love your descriptions. I'm so glad you won this, but how retarded that you even had to go through all of that!!

Unknown said...

Atta girl Lund!